Anita Komukama

Technical Officer, Knowledge Management and Advocacy

Anita Komukama has several years of experience in public health and nutrition, as well as maternal, newborn, and child health. She holds an MSC degree in nutrition and rural development from Gent University, Belgium, and a BSc degree in food processing technology from Kyambogo University, Uganda.

Anita, what do you do at FANTA?

As Knowledge Management Officer with FANTA Uganda, I am responsible for visibility of FANTA Uganda activities and also work on advocacy activities.

What has been your proudest moment on the FANTA project?

My proudest moment is seeing our nutrition advocacy activities get implemented. In my second year with FANTA, I assumed the role of spearheading and supporting advocacy activities at both National and District (local government level). We have since had success in supporting our 10 supported District Nutrition Coordination committees, all of which have been trained in advocacy and have drawn up advocacy implementation plans for their nutrition activities. At national level, we have supported the Office of the Prime Minister’s work to identify nutrition advocates in the 10th Parliament of Uganda that will champion food and nutrition security issues in their parliamentary debates.

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