Feed the Future Population-Based Survey Sampling Guide and Calculator

cover of publicationFANTA received support from the USAID Bureau for Food Security and the Office of Food for Peace (FFP) to develop the Population-Based Survey Sampling Guide. The aim of the guide is to provide technical guidance on the design of population-based surveys (PBSs) to support the collection and analysis of data used to create key Feed the Future Zone of Influence (ZOI) PBS indicators.  

PBSs are conducted among a sample of the entire population living within a Feed the Future ZOI or a FFP Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) implementation area. They are used to monitor project progress or to see if there has been change over time at the population level in key outcomes and impact indicators.

Designed for use by Feed the Future monitoring and evaluation (M&E) specialists and third-party M&E contractors, the guide will help improve the quality of population-based surveys by providing harmonized guidance on:

  • calculating sample sizes
  • development of sampling frames
  • stratification and allocation of the sample
  • the four stages of sampling
  • sample weighting
  • data analysis for descriptive surveys
  • data analysis for comparative analytic surveys

Accompanying the guide is an Excel-based sample size calculator with which users can compute the appropriate sample sizes required for testing differences in proportions or means between two points in time, or for producing high precision single point in time estimates of proportions or means.

Please note: This guide is intended to replace the Sampling Guide (1999) which has been retired.

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