Nutrition Care for People Living with HIV and AIDS: Training Manual for Community and Home-Based Care Providers Facilitators Guide and Participant Handouts

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Community and home-based care providers are frontline workers in the care and support of people living with HIV (PLHIV). Their close contact with PLHIV and affected household members and their familiarity with the household environment offer a valuable opportunity for targeted nutrition care and support. This facilitator’s guide and the accompanying participant handouts are designed to equip community and home-based care providers with sufficient knowledge and skills to provide nutrition care to PLHIV as part of ongoing services. The materials are designed for training providers who do not have extensive education or technical knowledge. Topics include the relationship between nutrition and HIV, assessment of nutritional status, methods for improving food intake, management of HIV and AIDS complications, management of food and drug interactions, care for HIV-positive women and children, food and water safety and hygiene, and principles of counseling and networking. 

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